Prana - Our Life Force Energy

May 30, 2024

Episode 342

Prana is our life force energy and vitality governing all motor and sensory functions. Prana governs respiration, the physiological functioning of the heart, digestion and excretion. It coordinates our breath, our senses and mind. The functions of the mind, memory, thoughts, and emotions are all under the control of prana. 

In this episode Colette discusses the following aspects of prana:

  • The functions of prana.
  • What is optimal prana. 
  • The disorders of prana and how it can manifest in the body/mind.
  • How to enhance this vital life force energy with diet, lifestyle, self-care and mindfulness practices.

Download the Pranayama Video Tutorial here


Thanks to Kerala Academy for sponsoring this episode. Courses are available for beginners as well as advanced learners and professionals, both online and in person in the beautiful Bay Area, California. For $100 off tuition, use the Reference Code Elements100 when you join a beginner training! To learn more, visit


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