Imbalances in the Rakta Vaha Srotas (Blood Channel)

Aug 08, 2024

Episode 352

Rakta vaha srotas are the channels involved in the production and transportation of blood. The main functions of the blood channel are transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and the removal of waste including carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes from the body, transporting them to the lungs, kidneys, and skin for excretion.

In this episode Colette looks at the imbalances and disorders which can manifest in rakta vaha srotas and she discusses the following:

  • Signs and symptoms of aggravation in rakta vaha srotas.
  • The types of disorders which can manifest in this channel.
  • Common causes of aggravation.
  • Ayurvedic approach to managing disorders in rakta vaha srotas.


Thanks to Kerala Ayurveda Academy for sponsoring this episode. Beginner certifications start October 15th and it’s not too late to join. For $100 off tuition for the Fall trainings, use the code ELEMENTS100 when you apply or register. To learn more, visit


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