Ayurvedic Wisdom on the Sweet Taste and Sugar Cravings

Jul 04, 2024

Episode 347

The sweet taste is made up of the water and earth elements and it strengthens, heals, energizes, grounds, cools and calms the body and mind. It also promotes sattva, love, compassion, stability, vitality, clarity and awareness.

In this episode Colette covers the following topics:

  • The numerous benefits of the sweet taste.
  • How the sweet taste is perceived in the body/mind.
  • Samples of the sweet taste in grains, proteins, vegetables and seasonings etc.
  • How the sweet taste affects each dosha type.
  • Best sweeteners for vata, pitta and kapha.
  • Holistic tips on managing sugar cravings.


Visit Colette's website www.elementshealingandwellbeing.com 

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