Start Investing In Your Health & Wellbeing Today!
Our health and wellbeing is so precious and without it we cannot thrive in life. Maintaining good health should be our top priority, so we can have the vitality to pursue our passions.
Investing in your health, is investing in yourself and your longevity. By sowing the seeds of a healthy foundation now, you’ll reap the benefits of good physical and mental health.

90-Minute 1-To-1 Online Ayurvedic Consultation
Are you feeling out of balance? Do you have that feeling that something isn’t working right? Booking this consultation will be a great first step in getting back on track and restoring balance to your body and mind.
This consultation will consist of the following:
- Determining your birth constitution (prakriti).
- Determining if you have a current imbalance (vikriti).
- In-depth conversation about your current health status and reviewing your completed forms.
- Education on your unique mind/body type and signs of imbalance.
- A holistic treatment plan to get to the root of any imbalances and restore health.
- A tailored strategy for your diet, lifestyle, self-care, mindfulness etc. to prevent further imbalances.
60-Minute Follow-up Consultation
This follow-up consult is for clients who have previously completed the initial 90-minute in-depth consultation.
It's an opportunity to check-in with Colette and review your progress, ask any questions you may have and receive advice on the next steps to take.
Scheduling a follow-up consult is great for accountability and support on your healing journey with Ayurveda.

Support & Accountability Package
3 x 45 Minute Consultations
This package consists of three 45 minute follow-up consultations for clients who have previously completed the initial 90-minute in-depth consultation.
This support & accountability package will allow you to schedule three 45 minute online consultations with Colette to keep you on track and motivated! These three consults must be used within 6 months of purchase.
Support & Accountability Package
5 x 45 Minute Consultations
This package consists of five 45 minute follow-up consultations for clients who have previously completed the initial 90-minute in-depth consultation.
This support & accountability package will allow you to schedule five 45 minute online consultations with Colette to keep you on track and motivated! These five consults must be used within 12 months of purchase.

Gift Voucher For 90-Minute Consultation
Share the gift of Ayurveda with your friends and family!
"Prior to my consultation with Colette, I suffered from moderate to severe digestive problems for 20 years. My symptoms included major bloating/stomach pain/gas on a daily basis. It felt like I was wearing pants two sizes too small. Nothing seemed to help despite seeing several medical practitioners and trying many different eating plans.
One week after I started the tailored program Colette designed for me, my digestion significantly improved. For the first time in many years, I did not feel full after eating and sometimes I even felt hungry after a large meal, which hasn't happened since I was a teenager.
It has been two months since my consultation and my digestion is 70-80% improved. I still have some bloating from time to time, but rarely have stomach pain or gas.
Colette is very knowledgeable, sincere and really cares about her clients. She responds promptly to questions or concerns and does so in a pleasant manner.
I highly recommend her services."
~ Scott, California